Story about HELLP Syndrome , HELLP Syndrome.

9mths on a Rollercoaster

Sep 10, 2017

Year Condition Began: 2003

Our story began in Jan 2003....
I was 29 years and healthy.
Routine check up at 24 weeks ...high bp and protein In my urine.

3 weeks of bedrest in hospital..then pain under ribs feeling sick..tired aching like flu..
27 weeks & 6 days my blood pressure high protein in my urine...blood work shows low platlets ..poor reflexes and diagnosed with hellp
Syndrome ...
Emergency c section 27 & 6 weeks.
Our 1st born son Thomas was born weighing 900 grams ....
Thomas fought for 8mths in neo natal..he suffered NEC infection, various infections, major eye lazor surgery, hernia operation..but then had another infection which got his blood stream and he suffered from septecima and had respitary failure....we had to make the worse descion any parent could make.....we turned his life support machine off...
Our life forever changed and our hearts broken forever.

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