Story about Neurofibromatosis .

A warrior in a million

Jan 30, 2016

By: Alessia

hi everyone,
I'm Alessia, I'm Italian and I live not so far from Venice.
Actually I'm a student in Experimental Medical Sciences at University.....and notwithstanding a NF1 patient.
I fight everyday to HIDE my patology to boss, colleges and friends;
sometime, someone ask me "what is that on you skin?" or "why you have to do a lot of specialistic medical investigation?"

that questions hurt me, it is already hard to face difficulties of the NF1 (like heavy and delicate multiple surgery), I'M NOT WANT TO BUMP INTO DISCRIMINATIONS

talking of patology nowadays i'm convalescent from a surgery of a huge plexiform of my left leg, and frightened to death from the next more delicate brain surgery, help!

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