Which are the symptoms of Arteriovenous Malformation AVM?

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Arteriovenous Malformation AVM symptoms

Symptoms of Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM)

An arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is an abnormal tangle of blood vessels that connects arteries and veins in the brain or spinal cord. This condition can cause a variety of symptoms, ranging from mild to severe, depending on the size and location of the AVM. It is important to recognize the symptoms of AVM as early detection and treatment can prevent potentially life-threatening complications.

1. Headaches: One of the most common symptoms of AVM is persistent and severe headaches. These headaches may be localized or throbbing and can occur suddenly or gradually over time. They may worsen with physical activity or changes in body position.

2. Seizures: AVMs can disrupt the normal electrical activity in the brain, leading to seizures. Seizures can range from mild, such as a momentary loss of awareness or muscle twitching, to more severe convulsions involving the entire body. Seizures may be the first noticeable symptom of an AVM.

3. Neurological deficits: Depending on the location of the AVM, it can cause various neurological deficits. These may include weakness or numbness in one part of the body, difficulty speaking or understanding language (aphasia), problems with coordination and balance, vision changes, or memory and cognitive impairments.

4. Intracranial hemorrhage: A potentially life-threatening complication of AVM is bleeding within the brain, known as intracranial hemorrhage. This can cause sudden and severe symptoms, such as a severe headache, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness, or even coma. Intracranial hemorrhage requires immediate medical attention.

5. Tinnitus: Some individuals with AVM may experience a persistent ringing or buzzing sound in the ears, known as tinnitus. This symptom can be bothersome and affect daily activities.

6. Focal neurological signs: AVMs located in specific areas of the brain can cause focal neurological signs, which are specific symptoms related to the affected area. For example, an AVM in the motor cortex may lead to muscle weakness or paralysis in a specific limb, while an AVM in the visual cortex can cause visual disturbances.

7. Cognitive and behavioral changes: In some cases, AVMs can cause changes in cognition and behavior. These changes may include difficulties with memory, attention, problem-solving, mood swings, irritability, or depression.

8. Heart failure: Although rare, large AVMs can put strain on the heart and lead to heart failure. Symptoms of heart failure may include shortness of breath, fatigue, swelling in the legs, and rapid or irregular heartbeat.

If you or someone you know experiences any of these symptoms, it is important to seek medical attention promptly. A healthcare professional can perform diagnostic tests, such as imaging studies (MRI, CT scan, angiography), to confirm the presence of an AVM and determine the most appropriate treatment plan.

11 answers
Headaches, dizziness, and nausea are the easiest symptoms to spot. However, if you are feeling something that seems “off”, talk to your doctor. If it’s an emergency, DON’T WAIT- Call 911/ get help immediately.

^ I walked around for over a week, and traveled from China back to the US with an active brain hemorrhage due to my AVM rupture. I didn’t listen to my own body and am lucky to have lived. I was not smart... don’t do this.

Posted Sep 12, 2017 by Rhonda 2150
Daily; inescapable pain all the time at a base level which rises with triggers such as smells, sounds, stressors, exercise, blood pressure, heart rate, fatgiue.

Monthly; horrendous cluster headaches which include blindness, further pain, vomiting, memory loss. Results in hospital stays.

Occasionally; bleeds from the AVM, life changing consequences

Eventually; death, condition is likely to cause death, the risk of this increases over time.

Posted Sep 13, 2017 by Sarah 250
Symptoms widely vary dependent on the location of the AVM, which can be anywhere arteries & veins are present. Mine was in the spinal cord, which led to a loss of function to my right leg.

Posted Sep 13, 2017 by Jill 2000
A bleed and then instant heart attack or stoke

Posted Sep 18, 2017 by Laura 100
I have a High Flow Pelvic AVM that affects my rectum, bladder, kidneys, sacrum, spine, female anatomy, hamstring/buttock. And it is also wrapped around my sciatic nerve.

1)Pain, Swelling, unable to sit or stand for long periods.
2)I would definitely want to take away the pain and pressure.

Posted Nov 2, 2017 by Kelly 1200
Before rupture: headaches
After rupture: headaches, nerve pain, nausea, sharp brain pains.

Posted Nov 3, 2017 by Michelle 100
If you start to get to the point where you are thinking should I have an apple or a pear, you just start to break down go to your doctor. You should get an MRI.

Posted Dec 29, 2017 by sydnicole2003 250
Headaches, sometimes confusion, in my case the AVM was behind my right eye, so would lead to swelling that would come and go, the medical term for this is Proptosis

Posted Jul 5, 2020 by Mary 2500
hemorrhaging (bleeding), seizures, headaches and neurological problems such as paralysis or loss of speech, memory or vision.

Posted Sep 16, 2021 by Natalija 400
Husband. Diagnosed with epilepsy about 13 years old. Life long migraine sufferer. Only ever saw him have 5 grand mal seizures in 37 years. Last one in 1994. Developed Leucopenia in 1986 resultant from the many different types of barbiturate medication poisoning his system. Weight drpped from 10 stones 7llb. About 2002. Migraines became more frequent. Lost his job because of too much time off work even though employers knew of hos condition. Local GP sent him to the Walton Centre for Neurological Excellence at Aintree in Liverpool. Via a brain MRI scan an AVM was found just behind the optical cortex. Open brain surgery was therefore not possible neither was embolisation ( glue). Procedure was gamma knife radiotherapy. Took 2 YEARS to plan this procedure. Carried out at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital in Sheffield. Home next day. AVM's are usually found post mortem. Heart, legs or brain Was told at the time that due to his age ( then 45 years old) it would be likely he would develop a cerebral oedema as a result. This did happen but does it stop him climbing mountains? No. He also has eleven ( yes, really) types of migraine and ME. Question I wpuld like an answer to please if anyone else has any knowledge of behavioural changes in patients who have undergone this type of procedure? My husband has.

Posted Nov 3, 2022 by Heather 5020

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Arteriovenous Malformation AVM stories
Please feel free to follow my journey of traveling back and forth from South Dakota to NYC to have life saving surgeries in order to live a long, healthier life for myself and my family. So far I have had 13 surgeries to remove my avm, which included...
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When I was very young  I always complained of headaches...mom would take me to the dr....and he would tell her I was faking them.  At the age of nine I woke up with flu like symptoms....mom was in denial anything bad was going on....she thought I j...
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Ruptured Dec. 2016, 6 days after emergency C section. Was eventually (once they figured out what was going on) treated with embolization. Hoping to find someone local who has either gone through the same thing or a doctor that knows what I'm looking ...
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I lived in Bangladesh till 2003 since my birth . Back in 2001 I realised I couldn't walk properly! If I was sitting in the ground, I had difficulty to go in standing position, I couldn't continue my aerobic classes anymore. That's when one of the Ne...
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