Going #2 helps
My parents are my rock.
Prior to the myotomy, a sip or two of milk helped me a lot and lying down when the attacks came.
3 years passed after Heller's Myotomy and I'm 90% well
Fiquei 2 anos para descobrir o que eu tinha
Adalat retard hilft mir bei starken Krämpfen
I got LHM or laporscopic Heller Myotomy with DOR Fundoplication. This helped.
Having my HM op
POEM Procedure
The support of my family and friends.
POEM surgery by Dr. Brian Louie at Swedish hospital
I had 2 dialations in 1984 and 1985
HM in 2015
2 dilations, reasonable quality of life now - the only treatment I've had
Find other person who suffer like me
Making plans, having things to live for, a reason to get up in the morning
Eat slower
Raise head of bed
Heller myotomy surgery
Magnesium and potassium supplements
take a bite and drink water
My Gastroenterologist at UCI put me on Sildenafil (Viagra generic) because of clinical trial evidence that it reduces esophageal muscle spasms
Fired my drug-pushing doctors
Pneumatic dilation
Light eating
My dogs know how to cheer me up
Várias vezes fui encaminhado para o psicólogo.
Die Operation der Speiseröhre P.O.E.M. hat mir sehr geholfen.
I am on FB support groups.
Changing my diet
Balloon dialations
Walking for as long as I could. I still furniture cruise in the house but I have to use a chair outside of the house.
Getting a valid diagnosis early
I do not take any medications
Learning to discreetly regurgitate
Learning when, what, how to eat again
Diet - know what works and what doesn't, bananas help!
The love of my daughters
Being taken seriously, this meant believing myself and bringing my mum into appointments with me so they couldn't put me down as a young girl who has 'eating problems'
Drink lots of fluids
Diet - no GERD inducing foods
Not eating trigger foods
Drinking warm or room temperature water rather than cold
eat smaller bites, mindfulness eating, and taste all the flavor