Talk about it, be honest.
Coming Out Gay
My family most of the time appreciates my awkwardness.
Morphine pump has changed my life
Escribir y leer
Getting a diagnosis
Mis hijas e hijos
Going for walks in the woods is helpful.
Getting from others to know concretely and exactly what they expect, feel, wish...
Beeing creative. Write, sew, draw, craft things. Figure out new solutions and coopingstrategies for my daily life.
Mon fils a 15 ans et rencontre des difficultés sociales depuis son entrée au college. Diagnostic Asperger non confirme ... peut être oui, peut etre non ....
Watching the same TV show that I love everytime there's a big change in my life is my best way to get better
Entender que mi hijo diagnosticado con asperger siempre será especial
Accepting family who embraced my unique qualities
Jouer du piano
apple cider vinegar
Finding a good doctor
My friends who support me
When I see an anime and read a book I bring some relaxing moments to my life.
My wondeful fiance
I am on Dexilant (GERD, hiatal hernia, & Barrett's esophagus), Phenergan (nausea), Ritalin, Hydroxyzine (Anxiety), Sulfazine & Diclofenac (RA), Vitamin D3 5000 IU (mood), Lisinopril, Synthroid, Naproxen, Novolog via pump, & Cyclobenzeprine (fibromyalgia).
Having understanding friends
finding a group of friends who are on the autism spectrum.
Stanovení diagnózy
Being diagnosed.
Knowing medication is different for everyone helps
Knowing medication is different for everyone helps
L-Thyroxin von Henning
Support from other parents whose children have been through SJS
Estar perto de Deus (Being close to God)
Estudiar sobre el tema, investigar por mi cuenta
changing to essential oils changed my life
Finally accepting my need for a wheelchair.
Going paleo, cutting all grains, dairy, legumes and most seed oils. It's reduced my pain and fatigue, I no longer need a nap every day only a few times a month.
Seeing a psychologist has helped me immensely, I now have control over my anger and my depression doesn't affect me as much.