Question - Endometriosis


Where to find help for Endo in Montana

Asked 8 years ago Ashleigh 45

We live near Glacier National Park in Montana and are new to Endo.  We are hopeful to find resources for specialists in our local area if anyone knows of any we would be interested in checking them out.

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Hello Ashleigh, 
We will try to find an answer for you. Writing from Worldwide Endometriosis March - World Endometriosis Day - headquarters. 

We have EndoMarch Chapters in nearly all 50 states and in over 50 countries. We do have a wonderful gal who is President of the Montana Chapter! She might have some useful information for you! Here is her contact information:

Montana Chapter President:  Makenna,
[email protected]


Or, feel free to call us at HQ at 202-630-7723, or email [email protected].  Our website is Sending you well wishes and pain-free days...

Answered 8 years ago EndoMarch Team 10
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