
Feb 5, 2016

By: Charlotte

I was diagnosed at a very young age. I have 3 children, one with OI type 1 and 4 grand babies and one of them has OI as well. It's been a long road but one I wouldn't have changed. My Dad pasted it on to me and my siblings. My Mom has been a wonderful support. She is amazing. I haven't broken too many bones as I also have congenital dislocated hips and a pin was put though the growing point of my feamer and stunted the growth so I have one leg 2 1/2 inches shorter then the other one. I wasn't as active as my siblings were. I know accidents happen but I always tell people about my condition to avoid any unnecessary mishap. Become the expert and don't be afraid to talk. Be proud of who you are. Don't wish you were someone else because that's not going to happen anyways. Besides, everyone else is taken. Everyone is different and we all live different lives so make sure you live yours to the fullist. Remember, sometimes you know more then the doctors. That's got me into trouble a few times.. LOL...but it's my body and I'm the expert of it. Learn to control your pain. Taking too much pain killers only caused more problems. The less chemicals in your body the better of you are. Don't get me wrong I do take them but only when I have to and not for very long. I love life 

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