A Trichotillomania story

Jun 12, 2017

I was always an anxious kid. Even when I should have been too young to stress about anything, I was stressing about everything! When I was 6 years old, I pulled a bald patch at the top of my head and was diagnosed with Trich. It was a self conscious batter ever since. I was severely bullied throughout my entire schooling and even after. I had to get 2 restraining orders because some bullies got so bad. I also because addicted to opiates in late high school to escape from my own head and emotions. They numbed everything and I liked that a lot. I was in heavy addiction for about 8-9 years. In and out of treatment 10+ times and breaking down about how I just wanted to be "normal" countless times to countless guys I dated. Talk about making a first impression! Haha. 

I found a man who was also in recovery. We moved away from our bad surroundings and got married a year after we moved. We both have been sober for almost 3 years now. I still battle with pulling my hair but it's not as bad as it has been. My husband loves me for me and looks past all my flaw. He supports me and is always looking for new ways to help with my hair! I don't use my Trich as a crutch anymore but wear it as a badge of pride. It has made me into a very strong yet accepting woman and for that, I'm very grateful!

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